Organoleptic and Microscopic Analysis of Gentiana Regeliana

Author:Vikrant Arya*, Raneev Thakur

Abstract: Organoleptic and microscopic examination revealed various diagnostic characters. Stem (dried, 30-40 cm long, light brown having characteristic odour with bitter taste and smooth texture), flower (dried, 3-5 cm long and crumpled, dark brown to blue in color having characteristic odour and bitter taste with smooth texture), leaf (dried, 7-8 cm long and broken, brownish green, characteristic odour, bitter in taste and smooth texture).  The transverse section of the stem (hollow in between) ofGentiana regeliana Gand. showed presence of epidermal cell and abundant xylem vessels.   Stomata arrangement was anisocytic and anomoctic with numerous non glandular trichomes on both surfaces. These findings should be expedient for inclusion in the Pharmacopoeia of Medicinal plants.
Keyword: Gentiana, Microscopy, Macroscopic
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