Herbal Medicine Scenario in India and European Countries

Journal: Journal of Pharmacognosy and Phytochemistry

Author: Parul Agarwal*, Amreen Fatima and Prem Prakash Singh


Herbal Medicine Scenario
Herbal Medicine Scenario
Abstract: Herbal medicines are the synthesis of therapeutic experiences of generations of practising physicians of indigenous systems of medicine for over hundreds of years while nutraceuticals are nutritionally ormedicinally enhanced foods with health benefits of recent origin and marketed in developed countries. Herbal medicines are also ingreat demand in the developed world for primary health care because of their efficacy, safety and lesser side effects. They also offer therapeutics for age-related disorders like memory loss, osteoporosis, immune disorders, etc. for which no modern medicine is available. WHO too has not systematically evaluated traditional medicines despite the fact that it is used for primary health care by about 80% of the world population. However, in 1991 WHO developed guidelines for the assessment of herbal medicine. Suggestions for herbal medicine standardization are outlined. The scenario and perceptions of herbal medicine are discussed.
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Evaluation of Membrane Stabilizing Activity, Total Phenolic Content, Brine Shrimp Lethality Bioassay, Thrombolytic and Antimicrobial Activities of Tagetes patula L.

Journal: Journal of Pharmacognosy and Phytochemistry

Author: Md. Ruhul Kuddus, Mirza Sonia Alam, Sharmin Reza Chowdhury, Farhana Rumi, Md. Al Amin Sikder, and Mohammad A. Rashid*

Tagetes patula
Tagetes patula
Abstract: The methanol extract of leaf of Tagetes patula L. as well as its n-hexane, carbon tetrachloride, chloroform and aqueous soluble partitionates were subjected to screening for total phenolic content, brine shrimp lethality, membrane stabilizing, thrombolytic and antimicrobial activity. The membrane stabilizing activity was assessed by hypotonic solution-and heat-induced methods and was compared with acetyl salicylic acid. In the present studies, the n-hexane soluble fraction demonstrated strong membrane stabilizing activity in both hypotonic solution-and heat-induced methods with 44.48% and 42.68% inhibition of haemolysis, respectively. The total phenolic content was also determined and expressed in gallic acid equivalent. In brine shrimp bioassay, the crude methanol extract of leaf showed strong cytotoxic activity with LC50 value of 8.58 μg/ml compared to that of 0.451 μg/ml exhibited by standard vincristine sulphate. During assay for thrombolytic activity, the n-hexane soluble fraction revealed 43.7% lysis of clot while standard streptokinase and water, used as positive and negative controls, demonstrated 65.8% and 3.62% lysis of clot, respectively. In antimicrobial assay by disc diffusion method, all the samples exhibited moderate to significant antimicrobial activity (zone of inhibition = 9.0-22.0 mm) against all the test organisms. Among all the samples, the carbon tetrachloride soluble fraction displayed strong antimicrobial activity against Escherichia coli (22.0 mm).
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Formulation and Evaluation of an Herbal Anti-Inflammatory Gel Containing Eupatorium Leaves Extract

Journal: Journal of Pharmacognosy and Phytochemistry

Author: Arvind Negi*, Nimisha Sharma, Mamta F. Singh (India)


Eupatorium Leaves
Eupatorium Leaves
Abstract: This study evaluated a noble herbal gel formulation containing extract from the leaves of Eupatorium adenophorum for its topical anti-inflammatory activity against carrageenan induced ooedema. Gelling agent used in this study was 1% w/w concentration of carbopol- 934. The studies were conducted on Albino Wistar rats of either sex (150-200 g). Change in oedema volume of the rat hind paw was measured. The anti-inflammatory effect produced after topical administration of herbal gel formulation on Carrageenan-induced hind paw oedema exhibited a high degree of reproducibility. The initial physicochemical parameters of formulations i.e. pH, viscosity, spreadability, extrudability and stability were also examined. The pH of all the formulations was near about 6.8, which lies in the normal pH range of the skin. The preparation was stable under normal storage conditions and did not produce any skin irritation, i.e., erythema and oedema for about a month, when applied over the skin.
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Aloe Vera: The Miracle Plant Its Medicinal and Traditional Uses in India

Journal: Journal of Pharmacognosy and Phytochemistry

Author: R. Rajeswari, M. Umadevi*, C. Sharmila Rahale, R.Pushpa, S. Selvavenkadesh, K. P. Sampath Kumar, Debjit Bhowmik (India)

Abstract: Aloe vera is the oldest medicinal plant ever known and the most applied medicinal plant worldwide. Extracts of Aloe Vera is a proven skin healer. Aloe Vera help to soothe skin injuries affected by burning, skin irritations, cuts and insect bites, and its bactericidal properties relieve itching and skin swellings. It is  known to help slow down the appearance of wrinkles and actively repair the damaged skin cells that cause the visible signs of aging.    Aloe is  a powerful detoxifier, antiseptic and tonic for the nervous system. It also has immune-boosting and anti-viral properties. Research has proven that adding Aloe Vera to ones diet improves digestion. As a general health tonic.  Aloe Vera is a useful source of vitamins. Aloe Vera Gel contains a large range of vitamins – even  vitamin B12, Vitamin A,  contains B-Group vitamins, Vitamin C, Vitamin E and folic acid. Aloe Vera Gel contains important ingredients including 19 of the 20 amino acids needed by the human body and seven of the eight essential ones that just cannot be made.
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